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  • Alcohol-Free Lager Delight: MORS Lager Beer Alcohol-Free is a true Polish beer of exceptional quality, crafted using artisan methods to create an alcohol-free lager that offers a taste of true beer. It’s the perfect choice for those seeking a rich and satisfying alcohol-free experience.
  • Crafted with Care: Brewed with only natural ingredients, including real malts and a unique blend of hops, MORS Lager Beer Alcohol-Free delivers a distinct and rich taste that sets it apart from mass-produced beers. Our SLOW FOOD brewing process, free of accelerators, ensures each can is packed with passion and flavour.
  • Perfectly Balanced Taste: Experience the unique flavour and aroma of our alcohol-free lager, characterised by malt notes and the signature blend of hops. MORS Lager Beer Alcohol-Free offers a less bitter taste than other beers, with a smoothness that makes it a delightful companion to your meals.
  • Guilt-Free Refreshment: With only 22 Kcal and 2.3g of sugar per 100ml, MORS Lager Beer Alcohol-Free is a worry-free refresher. It stands out as one of the lowest-calorie drink options, surpassing soda drinks, smoothies, and canned tea, allowing you to indulge without guilt.
  • The Browar Blonie Brewery: Crafted with pride at the Blonie Brewery, the home of MORS Lager Beer, where our commitment to tradition, quality, and flavour comes to life. Rooted in our unique brewing style and inspired by the beauty of the surrounding Kampinos Forest, our craft beers continue to delight beer enthusiasts worldwide.

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Customer Reviews


"Teatr Komedia to absolutna petarda! Zawsze świetna zabawa, niezwykle kreatywne przedstawienia i ekstra atmosfera. Chętnie kupuję bilety, aby wspierać ten niesamowity teatr. Gorąco polecam!"


"Teatr Komedia to miejsce, które zawsze polecam każdemu, kto szuka doskonałej rozrywki, inteligentnego humoru i niezapomnianych chwil. Jest to teatr, który zasługuje na swoje miejsce w sercach widzów, a ja z przyjemnością nadal będę wspierać go poprzez zakup biletów na ich niesamowite spektakle."

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